Privacy policy

UNBREAKcable is committed to protecting our customer’s privacy. Please take the time to review this notice which explains what information we collect about you, how we use it, and your rights. UNBREAKcable (“we” or “us”) is the data controller of the personal data collected via or in connection with

What personal data do we collect about you?

We collect personal data from you when you provide it to us directly and through your use of the Site. This information may include:

• The information you provide to us when you register your product warranty or ask for replacement service on our Site (e.g. your name, contact details, phone model, and any information which you add to your form on our website.).

What do we use this personal data for?

Depending on how you use our Site, your interactions with us, and the permissions you give us, the purposes for which we use your personal data include:
• To manage and respond to any queries or complaints to our customer service team.
• To improve and maintain the Site, and monitor its usage.
• For market research, e.g. we may contact you for feedback about our products.
• To send you marketing messages and show you targeted advertising, where we have your consent or are otherwise permitted to do so.
• For security purposes, to investigate fraud and where necessary to protect ourselves and third parties.
• To comply with our legal and regulatory obligations.

We rely on the following legal basis, under data protection law, to process your personal data:
• Because we have obtained your consent (e.g. where you contact us with a query, where you add optional information to your account profile, or if you consent to receive marketing from us).
• Because it is in our legitimate interests as an e-commerce provider to maintain and promote our services. We are always seeking to understand more about our customers in order to offer the best products and customer experience. We use information about you to tailor your view of the Site, to make it more interesting and relevant in respect of the products and offers on view.


We love to communicate with our customers and so, depending on your marketing preferences, we may use your personal data to send you marketing messages by email, phone or post. Some of these messages may be tailored to you, based on your previous browsing or purchase activity, and other information we hold about you.
If you no longer want to receive marketing communications from us (or would like to opt back in!), you can change your preferences at any time by contacting us (details below), or clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link in the email.
Please note that where you unsubscribe from our marketing communications, we will keep a record of your email address to ensure we do not send you marketing emails in the future.

Who do we share this personal data with?

We share customers’ personal data with third parties in the following circumstances:

• With other companies in our group of companies, as necessary to operate the Site.
• With our suppliers and service providers working for us, e.g. payment processors and delivery companies.
• With our professional and legal advisors.
• With third parties engaged in fraud prevention and detection.
• With law enforcement or other governmental authorities, e.g. to report a fraud or in response to a lawful request.
• In the event that we sell any business assets, the personal data of our customers may be disclosed to a potential buyer. In this event, we will make reasonable attempts to ensure the buyer will be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.
• Otherwise where we have your consent or are otherwise legally permitted to do so.


This Site ensures that data is encrypted when leaving the Site. This process involves the converting of information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access.

Whilst we do everything within our power to ensure that personal data is protected at all times from our Site, we cannot guarantee the security and integrity of the information that has been transmitted to our Site.

Your rights

You have certain rights in respect of your personal data, including the right to access, portability, correct, and request the erasure of your personal data.
You also have the right to object to your personal data being used for certain purposes, including to send you marketing. See ‘Marketing’ above, for more details of how to opt-out of marketing.
We will comply with any requests to exercise your rights in accordance with applicable law. Please be aware, however, that there are a number of limitations to these rights, and there may be circumstances where we are not able to comply with your request. To make any requests regarding your personal data, or if you have any questions or concerns regarding your personal data, you should contact us using the details below.

Contact Us

If you have any queries on any aspect of our Privacy Policy, please contact us on the details below:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Messenger: @UNBREAKcable